Support Group
A Yammertime group has been created to support Team Members through the Covid-19 crisis. This is where you can get your questions answered and help others with their questions.
Relevant resources to help you manger your duties in restaurant are also shared within this group.
Follow the link below to join the group:

What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild illness to pneumonia. Some people will recover easily, and others may get very sick very quickly.
People with coronavirus may experience symptoms including fever, coughing, a sore throat and fatigue and shortness of breath.
Below is an infographic which may help to identify the symptoms of the virus and distinguishing it from the flu and common cold.

Look out for, tightening in the chest, air hinger, difficulty breathing, breathlessness or a feeling of suffocation.

Look out for a new, continuous cough - this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in a 24 hours period.
(if you normally have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

A fever is a rise in your body temperature. Where checking your body temperature, look out for a reading that is outside of the normal range of 36-37 degrees.
What should I do if I have these symptoms, or live with someone who does?
If you have any of these symptoms, however mild, please stay at home and monitor your symptoms. Please remain at home until you are well again. If you live with someone who has symptoms you are required to monitor yourself for any symptoms.
If you are concerned you may have COVID-19, you can use the ‘Healthdirect Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker’ here
You will answer questions about your symptoms to see if you need to seek medical help or get tested. This tool is available online at any time and the link is included below. You can also call the National Coronavirus Helpline for advice, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on 1800 020 080.
Rapid antigen tests are now widely available for testing for COVID-19 at home. Alternatively, you can get a PCR test at a Covid testing clinic. If you return a positive test result, please let your Restaurant General Manager know, and remain at home until you have completed your isolation period, and you no longer have any symptoms.
How can I avoid catching and spreading Coronavirus?
Protect Others and Stop the Spread
- Stay at home if you test positive for COVID-19, and as long as you feel unwell
- Practice good hygiene
- Practice physical distancing (keep 1.5 metres away from others)
- Avoid physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs and kisses
- Use tap and go instead of cash
- Follow the limits for public gatherings
- Understand how to isolate if you need to
- Get vaccinated. In line with Australian Governnment recommendations, KFC strongly encourages everyone who can to get vaccinated. Information on getting your COVID-19 vaccination can be found here.

As a parent or carer, it’s good to talk to children honestly but calmly about what is happening and also to focus on things that they can control – like practicing good handwashing and hygiene.
Below are some resources to help you talk to young people about Coronavirus:
- Maggie Dent – Australian parenting author - click here
- Raising Children Australia - provides parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts - click here
- Parenting Ideas - Help for parents to successfully raise confident, happy and resilient kids - click here
More resources are available on through Access EAP.
ABC Education - Free curriculum-linked resources for Primary and Secondary students and teachers.
White Rose Maths - Free home learning packages to use during school closures
Cool Australia – Free high quality teaching tools, resources and professional development courses
Master the Curriculum - Free resources for parents